Dr. Zhongqin Wang

I specialize in designing Contactless, Sensorless, and Wireless sensing solutions that extend beyond traditional visual systems, aiming to build innovative and commercially viable sensing applications.

Email: zhongqin.wang@uts.edu.au
Github: zhongqin-wang.github.io
Google Scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?user=F9UMFwIAAAAJ&hl=en
Address: Building 11, 81 Broadway, Ultimo, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia



University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
2024 - Present

Research Fellow supervised by Prof. Andrew Zhang

Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
2022 - 2023

Lecturer at College of Information and Engineering

University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
2021 - 2022

Research Associate supervised by Prof. Min Xu

University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
2020 - 2021

Research Engineer and Research Assistant supervised by Prof. Andrew Zhang


University of Technology Sydney, Australia
2017 - 2021

School of Electrical and Data Engineering
PhD in Engineering supervised by Prof. Min Xu

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
2015 - 2020

School of Internet of Things
PhD in Information Network supervised by Prof. Guoliang Chen

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
2011 - 2014

School of Computer Science
MS in Computer Software and Theory supervised by Prof. Ning Ye


[] Yifeng Jiang, Zhongqin Wang and Haodong Chang. Head Pose Estimation via mmWave Radar. In Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2024, To Appear.

[] Zhongqin Wang, J. Andrew Zhang, Min Xu and Y. Jay Guo. Single-Target Real-Time Passive WiFi Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.22, no. 6, pp. 3724-3742, 2023. (CORE A*, JCR Q1, IF: 6.075) [Paper] [Demo]

[] Kuangda Chen, J. Andrew Zhang, Zhongqin Wang and Y. Jay Guo. Development of an Uplink Sensing Demonstrator for Perceptive Mobile Networks. In Proc. of IEEE ISCIT, pp. 191-196, 2023. [Paper]

[] Yingqi Wang, Zhongqin Wang, J. Andrew Zhang, Haimin Zhang, Min Xu. Vital Sign Monitoring in Dynamic Environment via mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1-17, 2023, doi:10.1109/ TMC.2023.3288850. [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, J. Andrew Zhang, Fu Xiao, Min Xu. Accurate AoA Estimation for RFID Tag Array with Mutual Coupling, IEEE Internet of Things Journal , vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 12954-12972, 2022. (JCR Q1, IF: 10.238) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Min Xu, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang, Haiping Huang and Fu Xiao. Computer Vision-assisted 3D Object Localization via COTS RFID Devices and a Monocular Camera, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 893 - 908, 2021. (CORE A*, JCR Q1, IF: 6.075) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Min Xu, Fu Xiao. Recognizing 3D Orientation of a Two-RFID-Tag Labeled Object in Multipath Environments Using Deep Transfer Learning. In Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, pp. 652-662, 2021. (CORE A, 97/489) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Min Xu, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang, Haiping Huang and Fu Xiao. RF-Mirror: Mitigating Mutual Coupling Interference in Two-Tag Array Labeled RFID Systems. In Proc. of IEEE SECON, pp. 1-9, 2020. (CORE B, 36/129) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Min Xu, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang and Haiping Huang. RF-Focus: Computer Vision-assisted Region-of-interest RFID Tag Recognition and Localization in Multipath-prevalent Environments. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, vol.3, no. 1, pp. 29, 2019. (UbiComp, CORE A*) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Min Xu, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang and Haiping Huang. RF-MVO: Simultaneous 3D Object Localization and Camera Trajectory Recovery Using RFID Devices and a 2D Monocular Camera. In Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, pp. 534-544, 2018. (CORE A, 78/378) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Fu Xiao, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang and Panlong Yang. A See-Through-wall System for Device-free Human Motion Sensing Based on Battery-free RFID, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-21, 2017. (CORE B, JCR Q3, IF: 1.886) [Paper]

[] Fu Xiao, Zhongqin Wang, Ning Ye, Ruchuan Wang and Xiang-Yang Li. One More Tag Enables Fine-Grained RFID Localization and Tracking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 161-174, 2017. (CORE A*, JCR Q1, IF: 3.796) [Paper]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Ning Ye, Reza Malekiand, Fu Xiao and Ruchuan Wang. TrackT: Accurate Tracking of RFID Tags with mm-level Accuracy Using First-order Taylor Series Approximation, Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 53, pp. 132-144, 2016. (JCR Q1, IF: 4.816)[Paper] [Demo]

[] Zhongqin Wang, Ning Ye, Reza Malekian, Ruchuan Wang and Peng Li. TMicroscope: Behavior Perception Based on the Slightest RFID Tag Motion. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, vol. 22, no. 2, pp.114-122, 2016. (JCR Q3, IF: 1.059)

[Paper] [Demo]


[mmWave Radar] Elderly Health Monitoring

Our proposed mmWave radar technology, specifically designed for elderly health monitoring, features a multi-target, contactless sensing algorithm. This advanced solution simultaneously performs high-precision, real-time tasks such as people counting, dynamic and static environment sensing, movement tracking, vital signs monitoring, and fall detection, ensuring comprehensive and simultaneous monitoring for optimal senior care.
[mmWave Radar] Driver Head Pose Estimation for Enhanced Safety

Our mmWave radar-based head pose estimation system can monitor the driver's head position within an intelligent vehicle cabin. Unaffected by lighting conditions, this system integrates with the car's onboard systems to trigger specific safety measures, such as tightening the seatbelt and reducing speed, thereby enhancing driver safety.
[WiFi] Real-Time Passive WiFi Tracking

Our WiFi-based tracking system integrates communication and sensing capabilities to provide real-time indoor human detection and monitoring applications. This innovative technology enables seamless, accurate tracking and situational awareness within indoor environments, offering significant improvements in security, automation, and smart home solutions.
[Passive RFID] Through-wall Human Motion Detection

Our through-wall human motion detection system utilizes passive RFID signals to accurately monitor movement through obstacles. This cutting-edge technology enables non-invasive, real-time detection of human activity, offering enhanced security and monitoring capabilities in various applications, such as building security, healthcare, and smart home environments.
[Passive RFID] High-Sensitivity Security System

Our system utilizes RFID technology to detect subtle movements of objects, making it perfect for security and museum applications. This solution provides precise, real-time monitoring to ensure the safety and preservation of valuable items, offering enhanced protection and peace of mind.
[Passive RFID] Object Localization and Monitoring

Our innovative system leverages battery-free RFID signals for precise location tracking. This technology allows for accurate, non-intrusive monitoring of object positioning, making it ideal for applications in security, asset management, and smart home environments.






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